As part of the overall structure of TU-Varna, the academic staff of the Computer Science Department adheres to the priorities of the University - the transformation of the learning process into educational research, creation of new scientific knowledge and applied scientific products. The lecturers of the Department have been involved in a number of scientific projects over the past 5 years.Projects funded by the National Science Fund:
- Project NP3: "Research on process management models for the purpose of an effective transition to an economy based on 6G networks", 2022
- Project NP4: "Integration of virtualization and network technologies for the purposes of distance learning in the conditions of covid-19", 2021
- Project NP5: "Research on the possibilities for integrating machine learning and blockchain technologies for the Internet of Things", 2020
- Project NP5: “Research on QoS of wireless technologies for IoT”, 2019.
- Project PD6: “Research on QoS of networks based on LiFi for IoT”, 2019.
- Project PD7: “Research on QoS of wireless commuications”, 2019.
- Project NP5: “Integration of machine learning and virtualization technologies for implementation and managing of cloud services”, 2018.
- Project NP8: "Research on Applied Methods Based on Machine Training to Improve Quality of Service", 2017.
- Project PD4: "Design and Research of a Remote and Movable Objects Management System", 2016.
- Project PD5: "Development and research of image processing algorithms in object detection and tracking systems", 2016.
- Project NP8: "Integrated IT Technologies for Research," 2016.
- Project NP10: "Machine Algorithms Research on Movable Objects", 2016.
- Project CNP3: "Design and Research of Algorithms and Systems for Management of Moving Objects "Dron", 2015.
- Project CHP1: "Exploration and development of mobile robot management algorithms in extreme conditions in virtual reality", 2015.
- Project CHP2: "Technological support for improving the quality of life of people with Alzheimer", 2015.
- Project NP8: "Research on Architectural, Infrastructural, Algorithmic and Methodological Provision of a Cloud-based Environment for the Conduct of the Learning Process", 2015.
- Project NP9: "Investigation of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Moving Objects Management", 2015.
- Project PP10: "Virtual environment for conducting local and distance online student competitions and evaluation of results", 2014.
- Project NP12: "Exploration of mobile technologies and their use in managing remote and mobile objects", 2014.
- Project NP9: "Development of methods and tools for reliable and secure computer communications", 2013.
- Project NP24: "Design and Research of Microprocessor Systems for Remote Management", 2013.
Projects funded by European funds:
- Project BG14MFOP001-6.004-0003-C01/21.01.2021 “Increasing knowledge about the state of the aquatic environment in Lake Varna”, 2021
- Project BG05M2OP001-2.016-0028-C01 “Modernization of higher education institutions”, 2020
- Project BG051RO001-3.3.07-0002 2013-2014 "Student Practices". European Social Fund, Operational Program "Human Resources Development", 2014.
- Project BG 161 RO003-1.2.04 / 20.08.2013 "Developing Sustainable Capacity of a Center for Applied Health Related Technologies". International project under Operational Program "Competitiveness", 2013-2014.
- Project BG051PO001-4.3.04 "New electronic forms of training at the Technical University - Varna", "Development of electronic forms of distance learning in the system of higher education", 2012-2014.
- Project BG051RO001-3.108-0014. "Improvement of Management Systems", European Fund, Operational Program "Human Resources Development", 2012-2014.
- Project BG051PO001-3.3.06-0005 "Developing the potential of PhD students, post-graduates, young scientists and engineering specialists in TU-Varna and their contribution to the development of a knowledge-based economy" under the Operational Program "Human Resources Development", 2012 -2014.
International projects:
- Project "SMASH: Machine learning for Sciences and Humanities", HORIZON-MSCA-2021-COFUND-01-01
- Project "ILIAD-INTEGRATED Digital Framework FOR Comprehensive MARITIME DATA AND INFORMATION SERVICES", H2020-LC-GD-2020 № 101037643
- Future Education and Training in Computing: How to Support Learning at Anytime Anywhere 2014539461-LLP-1-2013-1-EN-ERASMUS-ENW, 2013-2016