Computer and Network Security
The main objective of the course is to provide students with knowledge and skills to assess the security risk of a computer network. The types of attacks and malicious code that cause inaccessibility or degradation of the quality of network services are considered. Students are acquainted with the current standards and current law in Bulgaria concerning the security of the data transmitted on the Internet. Modern networking solutions and network and information security solutions are analyzed to achieve optimal modularity, robustness, flexibility, security and ease of management. The potential breakthroughs in the network structure are shown.
Main topics of the syllabus:
- International standards concerning the security of computer networks. Stages and activities to build a network security management system.
- Security of classified information networks - basic principles and requirements. Major vulnerabilities. Risk - nature, detection, risk assessment, risk minimization mechanisms.
- Security of the OS. Linux Security Model. Windows Server Security Model. Protect files and directories. Access control to objects.
- Security of the OS. Malware - viruses, worms, Trojans. Detection and protection. Buffer overflow attack.
- TCP / IP protocol stack vulnerabilities. IP Spoofing and Denial of Service attacks (DoS).
- Attacks against DNS. Vulnerabilities of Zone Transfer and Dynamic Updates. DNS Cache Poisoning Attack.
- Port Scan- Nmap. Vulnerability Scanning - Nessus. Passive packet monitoring. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).
- Packet filtering - Iptables.
- Enterprise Information Security Solutions. Firewalls - Purpose, Functionality, Classification.
- Vulnerabilities of authentication. Dictionary Attacks. Breaking passwords with Rainbow Tables. Password-by-pass schemes. RADIUS protocol.
- Bots and botnets. Distributed DoS Attacks.
- Security issues in Peer-to-Peer networks (P2P).
- Wireless network security.
- Web security. SQL injection attack. Web scams (fishing). Clickjacking.
- Security in virtualization and cloud services.