Network Java Programming
The aim of the course is to impart knowledge to students in the field of network programming based on Java technologies. The sections of network programming that are considered are "socket" communication between Java applications and capabilities for building complex enterprise information systems. JavaSE (v.1.7) is used as software tools for solving the set tasks, as well as web programming technologies - Servlet and JSP, which are part of the Java EE specification. Design and work with databases, as well as technologies for communication of Java applications with database management systems (DBMS) are also considered. The exercises are structured in two sections - socket network communication and Java web technologies. The stages you go through allow students to look at aspects of network programming based on Java technologies and at the end of the course to reach a fully functional system.
1. Introduction to network programming.
2. Sockets. The InetAddress class.
3. Multitasking programming in Java.
4. Data storage. DBMS.
5. Connection of Java applications with databases.
6. WWW and HTTP
7. JavaEE (Enterprise). Essence and concepts.
8. JavaEE servers.
9. JAVA servlet technology
10. Interaction with customers.
11. Servlet filters.
12.Java Server Pages technology.
13.Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)