Software Systems with Web Services
The discipline “Software Systems with Web Services” is oriented towards building of web based applications with the means of remote methods invocation and web services. One of the main objects is to extend the students' knowledge and skills, obtained from previous disciplines, in programming languages in the distributed and web programming. The main direction of the course is to explore and use mainly Internet applications.
In the discipline a variety of problems are considered about the service oriented programming, and many models of applications providing and using services are decribed and the means for their implementation are presented.
In the studied material the following accents are presenting: asynchronous programming, synchronization of the resources access; implementation of various communication mechanisms and protocols; the nature and features of the basic "request response" model for data transmission in Internet; development of distributed applications based on remote methods invocation and web services.
The course provides the students the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to develop applications with web services in theory and practice.