The aims of the E-Commerce course are to give basic practical knowledge on the principles of functioning, methods of building, managing and protecting of the e-commerce systems. The tasks related to the legal framework and the e-business strategies are being considered. Particular attention is paid to the technical aspects of the issues related to the methodology of organizing e-commerce sites, organization and payment technology on the Internet (EasyPay, B-Pay, ePayVoice, Pay.egov.bg, eBG.bg, epay.bg,etc.).
Main issues of the syllabus content:
- E-Business Strategies. Methodological issues. Strategic planning. Strategic alternatives. Elaboration of an e-business strategy.
- Legal aspects of e-commerce. Bulgarian legislation on electronic commerce, electronic payments and contracts on the Internet. Risks and ways to overcome them. Digital copyrights.
- Architecture of e-commerce systems. Types - B2B, B2C, B2G, C2C, m-commerce.
- Organization and Technology of Payments on the Internet. Requirements for electronic payments. Security system.
- National payment systems with electronic cards - ePay.bg, Easypay, B-Pay, ePayVoice, Pay.egov.bg, eBG.bg and others.
- Planning and Designing of Online Business. Methodological issues and solutions in the e-business. Indicators for e-Object Assessment.
- Software for e-commerce systems. WEB- technologies for e-commerce. Application platforms for organizing e-sites.
- Technical support of an e-commerce system. E-commerce servers. Communication networks for e-commerce.
- E-marketing. The role of social networks as a means of marketing and PR tools on the Internet. Blogs. Email Marketing.
- Features of Internet Advertising. Types of advertising formats. Measure advertising performance on the Internet.
- Online Store. Dedicated software tools for creating online stores.
- Online booking systems. Features.
- Security of communications in e-commerce. Privacy of personal data.
- Security and protection of e-banking systems. Protection of transactions in e-commerce.
- Cloud services for e-commerce