Internet for Mobile Devices
The aim of the course is to give knowledge to students in the field of building communication between Internet-based servers and mobile devices. The sections that are covered in the course are: building web responsive interfaces suitable for mobile devices; building modules in Android applications for communication with web-based servers; building web-based servers based on JavaEE technologies. Design and work with databases, as well as technologies for communication of Java applications with database management systems (DBMS) are also considered. The exercises are structured in two sections - access to web resources generated by Java web technologies and building web services provided by servers with REST architecture. The stages you go through allow students to look at aspects of mobile device communication with Internet-based servers and at the end of the course to reach a fully functional system.
1. Network communication.
2. Web servers.
3. Java Servlets.
4. JSP (Java Server Pages).
5. Responsive design with HTML 5, JavaScript and CSS.
6. Data storage. DBMS.
7. Android OS.
8. User interfaces in Android.
9. Web in Android.
10. Web services (WS).
11.Jersey framework.
Topic 12. Building a web service with REST and Jersey.
Topic 13. Web services security.