Communications Reliability and Security
Aim of the course is to give students with the basics of reliability and security in modern computer networks and communications, as well as approaches, methods and technical means for analysis, modeling, ensuring and increasing the reliability and security of communication computer systems. Students will get acquainted with the conceptual apparatus of reliability and security. They will be able to determine the main values, indicators and dependencies in terms of reliability and security in communications and computer systems and will be able to model them using various technical solutions. They will get acquainted with the methods and means of protection against unauthorized access to computer and communication resources and will gain skills to apply them in practice.
1. Quality, reliability and security in computer communications.
2. System and structural methods to ensure the necessary reliability.
3. Markov processes (MP) for reliability analysis.
4. Fault tolerant systems.
5. Prophylactic and continuous control.
6. Approaches to building highly reliable local area networks
7. Fault-tolerant and safe systems.
8. Software reliability (SR).
9. Activities and errors of operators in computer and communication systems.
10. Security in communication networks. Concepts related to communication and computer security. Basic parameters of information security. Security strategies.
11. Vulnerabilities, threats and ways to treat them.
12. Strategies for protection of IT infrastructure
13. Security of IP based systems
14. Control of access to resources
15. Technologies to prevent data loss and filter traffic.
16. Design of highly reliable computer systems and networks.