Industrual Computer Networks
The course "Industrial Computer Networks" aims to expand students' knowledge of computer networks by giving them basic knowledge in the field of building industrial computer networks and the most widely used interfaces and communication protocols. The subject of the course are industrial computer networks, as an integral part of modern automated control systems. The main attention is paid to the field industrial networks for connecting intelligent terminals, as a prerequisite for creating systems with open architecture. Network specifications at management and information level are considered. A comparative analysis of many modern industrial networks for the transfer of various types of information in an industrial environment.
1. Introduction to industrial communication networks
2. Field industrial networks (IN)
3. Profibus field network
4. Modbus field network
5. CAN field network
6. Other field networks
7. Industrial computer networks at the management level
8. Industrial computer networks at information level.
9. Network specification for industrial Ethernet networks at information level.
10. Wireless communications in industrial networks. ORS specification for client-server communications in an industrial environment.
11. Intelligent terminal devices in control systems with network structure
12. Automated control systems with network communication. Structure. Main characteristics.
13. Comparative analysis of modern industrial networks.